Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Lauch Event Report

Calgary, AB - Canada Myth Games launch Event

So this Post is a little bit late since the official launch of Battle Spirits was August 14th (4 days ago)
But its all good :D
Anyways I stumbled across BS by accident. Before BS i played Yu Gi Oh, and while looking for cards online I came across the Battle Spirits homepage. Read up about it and saw a few youtube videos. Sparked some intrest so i decided to dig further.
Soon i found Myth Games. The only hobby store in Calgary that carry BS and hold tournaments. So i decided to phone them up and found out they were having a launch event - I called 1 day before the launch of the game.
After that i Read the rule book for about an hour and went to bed.

Launch Day !!!
It was being held at 7:00pm so i refreshed myself on the rules and watched more youtube videos.
When i got there, there were already people playing 40k and MTG - I went by myself so it was abit awkward waiting around for abit. Soon more and more players showed up so the owner held a "learn to play session"
A total of 10 players showed for the event but 3 left early due to time constraints.
after a crash course on how to play the main event started.
A sealed event - Players purchase 6 boosters and make a deck with a 30 card minimum. Rule of # still applied as well as all other rules. The format was a tweaked swiss system. With the cards i pulled from the booster, I made a Purple, Red, Green Deck - It was terrible.

First Match - Loss 2 - 1
Second Match Loss 2 - 0
Third Match I got a Pass since poeple were leaving.

After the third match its already been 3 hours and 3 people left.So it was cut short and it went to top 4. Top 4 players got a special foil promo and first placed received a playing mat. All participants recieved a foil promo Sha-Zoo, so it was all good.
That was basically it for the Event - had a ton of fun - so i got my ass handed to me

Monday, August 17, 2009

Battle Spirits Introduction

Battle Spirits Main Page

Since this blog is dedicated to Battle Spirits CCG ill take the time to explain the concept and game mechanics a little bit. First of - the most important aspect to this game is "the core" a visible (token) system which are used to summon and play cards. It's similar to Magic The Gathering's (MTG) Mana Pool System. Ill get to these in abit.
There are 3 card types Spirits - The monsters you use to attack and defend with Spells - Magic and items Nexuses - Continuous field spells that can effect yours and your opponents cards
Each card will have a number on the top right corner which indicate the cost of the card, beside the number will be small white dots which indicate cost reduction(s) (will explain later)
The bottom right corner may have a gem which indicate tribe and cost reduction cost.

Card level - (Spirits and Nexuses Only) Below the Card name there are level Indicator(s). To the right of the level indicator(s) will be a core indicator.(s) To keep a card in play u must meet the requirements of the cards level. If the cost is not met the card is depleted immediately.
Abilities - Spell cards will always have an ability with text and icons indicating proper time to play such effects. Some spirits may have an ability which you can use on the appropriate level. Nexuses will always have an ability which you may use during the appropriate time according to its level.
Paying a Cost - To play a card you must move cores from your field (reserve, spirits, and nexuses) to the trash
Cost reduction - The icon(s) beside the cost are the maximum core reductions that card may have. You must have similar colored cards already on the field to gain the cost reduction
example : Panda is a Red Card which cost 3 to play and has a reduction cost of 3. If I have 3 red cards on the field when i summon Panda i cost nothing to play.
There are currently 4 Colors (tribes) in this game Ruby (red) - Aggressive gameplay Amethyst (Purple) - Control Emerald (Green) - Core control Diamond (white) - Defensive gameplay.

Playing Field

Game Field Reference:
  1. Core Pool - Where extra cores not yet in play are placed
  2. Life Points - Health indicator. All lost life points are placed in reserve.
  3. Reserve - Area for unused cores
  4. Field - In play cards you control
  5. Deck Zone - Where you deck is placed
  6. Remove From Play Zone - all cards removed from play are placed here
  7. Trash - where discarded cores and cards are placed

Game Flow:

Start Phase (Done in order)
  • Start Step
  • Core Step - Gain 1 core from your pool to your reserve (first player skips this phase)
  • Draw Step
  • Refresh Step - refresh (untap) all exhausted (tapped) Spirits. Gain all lost cores to your reserve.
Main Phase (Done in any order as many times as you want)
  • Summon Spirit(s), Play Nexus(es), Play Spells(s), Level up/down spirits
Battle Phase (In order)
  1. Attack Step - attack with any unexhausted Spirit. Spirit is exhausted after.
  2. Flash Step 1 - player may choose to play spells or abilities (defender gets priority). Players take turn flashing till both pass.
  3. Block Step - Defending player may choose to defend with an unexhausted spirit. If step is skipped Defending player loses 1 "Life Point" and gains the Point to his/her reserve, End Battle Phase
  4. Flash Step 2 -Similar to Flash Step 1
  5. Showdown Step - The Spirit with the lowest Battle Points (BP) loses.
  6. Destruction Step - The losing spirit gets destroyes and sent to the trash. Any cores are sent to the reserve
  7. End of battle
The first player to lose all life points or draw from an empty deck loses

well that's a basic explanation of the game, lol
For a better explanation and rule books refer to the official one
For questions and FAQs refer to forums

- Referenced from the official rule book
- All images from official website and rulebook

Battle Spirits Main Page

Baka Box

Well, this is my first entry on this blog - so i thought id take this opportunity to briefly introduce myself and this blog.

Well i tend to go by the user name Poo Panda and any variations - lol.
My spelling is terrible and my grammar will eat your soul on how bad it is.
This would be my first time blogging, and ill be using this blog more as a MSN profile replacement and online diary - dedicating it to the collectible card game (CCG) Battle Spirits by Bandai, and my misadventures in hobby tourneys involving this game.

Though this blog is dedicated to Battle Spirits I also play Yu Gi Oh TCG and might do a few articles about it. As well as other topics regarding Massive Multi-player Online Games (MMOGs) and any other random crap to fill in the voids between tournaments XD